Privcy Policy

Terms And Conditions

Persons making use of the K24 website ("Users" and the "Site") shall automatically be deemed to accept these Conditions of Use. The term "Use" refers without distinction to any consultation, research or download carried out on the Site.
K24 may amend the Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice in order to adapt them to changes in the Site or to changes in current laws and regulations. Consequently, Users are advised to refer to them as regularly as possible.
Intellectual property rights

K24 content
© K24 - All reproduction and representation rights reserved.
The content of the Site belongs to K24 and is protected by current legislation concerning intellectual property rights and applicable international conventions. The term "content" means all the information present on the Site such as data, text, graphics, images, sounds, videos, logos, symbols and HTML code and which is published by K24.
Subject to any limitations provided by laws and regulations in Iraq/Kurdistan, any reproduction or representation of the Site, whether in whole or in part, shall be subject to the prior authorization of K24. Such authorization shall be granted at K24's sole discretion and no reasons for its decision need be given.
K24 is a registered trademark, reference to which is authorized. References to the K24 trademark on a third party site do not imply any warranty or responsibility on the part of K24 as to the content of that third party site or the use to which it may be put.

Press Agencies content
© Press agency name – All reproduction and representation rights reserved.
Where the words "© Press agency name" appear on a page of the Site, that page contains reproduced information which is protected by the agency's intellectual property rights. Consequently, none of this information can be reproduced, modified, redistributed, translated or used or re-used commercially without the concerned press agency's prior written agreement. The concerned press agency shall not be liable for any delays, errors or omissions which may occur, or for the consequences of any action taken or transactions entered into on the basis of such information.
User content
Any User may upload items or information to the Site in any form by any electronic means of communication, via the discussion forums or the insertion of data or comments ("Contributions").
K24 may withdraw or prohibit access to any Contribution that contravenes or risks contravening current laws and regulations.
By uploading their Contributions on their own initiative, Users are deemed:
    • To confirm that they are authorized to upload such Contributions;
    • To authorize K24 to reproduce and represent such Contributions in whole or in part on electronic communication services published by K24 throughout the world and for the period of the protection afforded by copyright law, such authorization being granted free of charge and on a non-exclusive basis;
    • To confirm that such Contributions comply with all laws and regulations to which the User may be subject (in terms of intellectual property rights, the right to privacy and human dignity, etc);
    • To indemnify K24 in relation to such Contributions against any claims and against all the consequences thereof.

User's Obligations

Use of the service
Users undertake to use discretion when consulting the Site or the Contributions of Users, particularly when relying on the appropriateness, utility or completeness of the Content or Contributions. Users are solely responsible for any personal use made of the Content or of the Contributions.
Statements made and data and information provided to K24 by Users at the time of registration are communicated at the Users' sole risk.
In general, Users undertake to refrain from any malicious Use intended to disrupt or harm the Site and/or K24 or its partners, or the programs of K24 and its partners.
Stock data are communicated at the users' sole risk, data can only be used for user's own personal and non-commercial use and may not be used as the basis for a financial instrument.

Rules of Conduct
We encourage web users to enrich the K24 website by sharing their comments on current news, through viewpoints, additional information, suggestions or comments.
By sharing content on the website, you accept the K24 community rules. These rules aim to encourage constructive and respectful participation. K24 moderators will remove any comment in contradiction to the community rules.
In writing their messages, users agree to:
No unlawful or objectionable, aggressive or provocative content towards others will be accepted. Users also agree not to formulate personal attacks.
  • Not undermine the honor or reputation of a natural person or legal entity.
  • Abstain from any incitement to discrimination, racial hatred or violence, as well as revisionist, racist and xenophobic comments.
  • Keep posts relevant to the topic or story you are commenting on.
  • Respect the legislation concerning intellectual property and person rights.
  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • Make sure the text is readable and understandable by all. Do not use too many abbreviations or SMS language.
  • Do not overuse capital letters. A message or phrase written in capital letters may be perceived as aggressive.
  • No spamming, advertising, promoting products, services, or posting of web links will be accepted.
  • No flooding will be accepted. Do not send the same comment or very similar comments more than once.
    Warranties and Liabilities
    The Content of the Site is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind whether express or implied other than as provided by current law, and in particular without any warranty that the Content meets the needs of the User or that the Content is up to date.
    Although K24 makes every effort to provide reliable content on its Site, it does not warrant that the Site is free of inaccuracies, typographical errors, omissions and/or viruses. K24 reserves the right at any time and without prior notice to make improvements and/or amendments to the Content of the Site.
    Hypertext Links to Third Party Sites
    K24 does not have any control over the content of third party sites. The existence of a hypertext link between the Site and a third party site does not mean that K24 gives any warranty or assumes any liability as to the content of the third party site or as to the use that may be made of it.
    Personal Data
    K24 may need to gather personal information. K24 uses the term “personal information” to mean any information disclosed by Users – as natural persons – of whatever nature, such as their names, forenames, addresses, e-mail and passwords, and which enables them to be identified directly or otherwise, whether such information is provided voluntarily by Users or collected in the context of browsing the Site.
    Personal information gathered about Users is intended for use by K24. Such information may be copied, used and/or stored, and may not be disclosed to third parties save as required by law or by any judicial authority.
    All Users may exercise their right to access, rectify and delete data concerning them by writing to:
    K24 building, Shaqlawa Road.
    Erbil, Kurdistan.
    Warning concerning Minors
    Any User that is a natural person and a minor must confirm and acknowledge that he/she has been authorized to use the Site by his/her parent(s) or guardian(s), and such parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to guarantee that when the minor concerned uses the Site, he/she complies with all the provisions of the Conditions of Use.
    For this reason, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of minors are asked to supervise the Use of the Site made by such minors, and to bear in mind that the Site is intended for a wide audience and that in their capacity as legal guardian(s) it is their responsibility to decide whether the Web is or is not appropriate for such minors and to supervise their use of it.
    What is a cookie?
    When a user enters a site, the site can automatically send a cookie to the user’s computer. These are small files containing text which enable a server to recognize a computer and thus to know whether the computer (and probably the user) has already visited the site. If the computer reconnects to the site, the site will look for and use any cookies that have been left on that computer's hard disk.
    The cookies themselves do not enable a user to be identified, but only the computer used by that user.
    Use of Cookies by the Site
    Cookies merely record the parts of the site that the computer in question has visited, and the amount of time spent there.
    Users can decline to accept cookies by configuring their browser in the way described below; however, if cookies are refused, it will be impossible for the user to use certain personalized services, and such refusal may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the Site.
    Applicable law - Independence of Clauses
    These Conditions of Use will be subject to and interpreted in accordance with Kurdish law. Any dispute, which cannot be resolved by agreement, will be referred to the courts. In the event that any of the provisions of the Conditions of Use is held to be null or void, the remaining provisions will automatically be deemed to apply.
    Failure by K24 to apply, or to claim the application of, any of the provisions of the Conditions of Use or of any right of any kind shall not in any circumstances be interpreted as a waiver of that provision or that right on the part of K24, unless K24 agrees otherwise in writing.