
Kurdistan Region's President Nechirvan Barzani calls for unity, action on 10th anniversary of Sinjar genocide

He urged the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement to restore stability and normalcy to the region, calling on the Iraqi Federal Government and KRG to collaborate effectively.

Kurdistan Region's President Nechirvan Barzani. (Photo: Kurdistan24)
Kurdistan Region's President Nechirvan Barzani. (Photo: Kurdistan24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – In a solemn address on the 10th anniversary of the Sinjar Genocide, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani paid tribute to the victims and called for continued international and regional efforts to support the Yezidi community and bring justice to the perpetrators.

"We are here to remember one of the most brutal crimes in history."
"We are here to remember one of the most brutal crimes in history," Kurdistan Region President Barzani began, underscoring the enduring pain and suffering inflicted upon the Yezidi people. "More than 5,000 were shot dead and buried in mass graves, over 6,417 women and children were kidnapped, and the fate of many remains unknown."

"Every effort must be made to punish the perpetrators and compensate the victims."
Kurdistan Region President Barzani highlighted the widespread devastation that followed the genocide, describing it as a turning point in Kurdistan and Iraq's history. He called for robust international cooperation to prevent such atrocities in the future and to ensure that justice is served to the victims. "Every effort must be made to punish the perpetrators and compensate the victims," he asserted.

Acknowledging the resilience and determination of the Yezidi people, Kurdistan Region President Barzani praised their will to rebuild and resume life despite the immense challenges. "The Yezidis will rise up and begin again," he said, reaffirming the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) commitment to supporting their recovery and return to Sinjar.

Kurdistan Region President Barzani also stressed the importance of continued international recognition of the Yezidi genocide and the need for comprehensive support for survivors. "Reducing the consequences of genocide is a shared responsibility," he noted, emphasizing the long-term efforts required to address the psychological, social, economic, and environmental impacts of the atrocity.

"The people of Sinjar must manage their own affairs and no longer be captives of external forces."
He urged the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement to restore stability and normalcy to the region, calling on the Iraqi Federal Government and KRG to collaborate effectively. "The people of Sinjar must manage their own affairs and no longer be captives of external forces," Kurdistan Region President Barzani insisted, advocating for the removal of illegal armed groups from the area.

Kurdistan Region President Barzani also called on academic institutions to contribute to preserving Yezidi heritage through dedicated research and studies, ensuring that their culture and history are documented and respected.

In his concluding remarks, Kurdistan Region PresidentBarzani honored the Peshmerga forces and international coalition partners who fought against ISIS, and expressed gratitude to the rescuers of kidnapped Yezidis. "We will always support and defend the rights of the Yezidis," he vowed, promising continued efforts to rebuild Sinjar and secure broader recognition and compensation for the genocide.

"We must ensure that such atrocities never happen again."
"We must ensure that such atrocities never happen again," Barzani concluded, urging unity and cooperation to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.