Refugees in Kurdistan Region appeal to President Barzani for assistance in regaining their rights

They are being told by local authorities that they have no rights to their property, and their letters of return are not recognized by Iraqi authorities in Nineveh, Salahaddin, and other regions.

One refugee, speaking to Kurdistan24. (Photo: Kurdistan24)
One refugee, speaking to Kurdistan24. (Photo: Kurdistan24)

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Refugees residing in camps within the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) are urgently appealing to President Masoud Barzani to help them reclaim their rights in Iraq.

They report being prevented from returning to their homes in southern and central Iraq, with some returnees even facing imprisonment.

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, refugees living in the Bahraka camp in Erbil shared their grievances with Kurdistan24 reporter Havres Rajab.

They explained that only a small number of refugees have attempted to return to their areas in southern and central Iraq, but those who do are often stopped and imprisoned.

In light of this, they are directing their pleas to President Barzani, asking for his intervention to resolve their plight.

One refugee, speaking through Kurdistan24, sent a direct appeal to President Barzani: “My brother Masoud Barzani, do not leave us. You can regain our rights. We have brought our cry to you because only you can do this; everyone else has done nothing for us.”

The refugees' primary demand is for justice, particularly in relation to their attempts to return to cities like Salahaddin (Tikrit) and Mosul.

They are being told by local authorities that they have no rights to their property, and their letters of return are not recognized by Iraqi authorities in Nineveh, Salahaddin, and other regions.

They are instructed to obtain official letters from the governor and national security before they are allowed to enter these cities.

The Iraqi government has announced plans to provide each refugee family living in KRG camps with four million dinars.

However, refugees argue that this amount is insufficient to rebuild their homes and meet their daily needs, as the cost of reconstructing a single house requires at least 20 million dinars.